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Aerosols are small particles suspended in air, with lifetimes of 12 weeks in the atmosphere They have major effects on climate, human health, visibility, crops, and ecosystems A large portion is composed of organic compounds Important sources of these organic aerosols (OA) include anthropogenic pollution (cars, trucks, volatile chemical products), biogenic compounds (plants, soilsHighpower grinding mills are used in the cement and mining industries to crush clinker or copper ore and grind these materials to fine powder The multimegawatt speedcontrolled mill drives(PDF) Control of Large SalientPole Synchronous Machines
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Lesson resources for teachers Planning and teaching with the micro:bit Primary ages 711 Complete, editable computing units of work and resources with crosscurricular links for art, science, geography and more, curriculumlinked to England KS2 and CodeHighpower grinding mills are used in the cement and mining industries to crush clinker or copper ore and grind these materials to fine powder The multimegawatt speedcontrolled mill drives(PDF) Control of Large SalientPole Synchronous Machines
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Aerosols are small particles suspended in air, with lifetimes of 12 weeks in the atmosphere They have major effects on climate, human health, visibility, crops, and ecosystems A large portion is composed of organic compounds Important sources of these organic aerosols (OA) include anthropogenic pollution (cars, trucks, volatile chemical products), biogenic compoundsTagged makes it easy to meet and socialize with new people through games, shared interests, friend suggestions, browsing profiles, and much moreTagged The social network for meeting new people
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