penentuan break even stripping ratio

penentuan break even stripping ratio

  • Determining Stripping Ratio Basic Mining Techniques

    Breakeven Stripping Ration The maximum allowable Stripping Ratio (SR max) defines break even stripping ratio (BESR) This represents the highest possible units of waste that can be handled If the SR exceeds the BESR then the operation will be uneconomical as the income generated by the ore is insufficient to offset the costs incurred in miningThe breakeven stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved Read More In coal mining: Contour strip mining If the breakeven stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground miningBreakeven stripping ratio | Britannica

  • Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) BrainMass

    This content was COPIED from BrainMass View the original, and get the alreadycompleted solution here! Given an underground total mining cost of $885 per tonne, surface mining costs of $295 per tonne of ore, and surface mining stripping costs of $175 per tonne of waste, calculate the break even stripping ratio (with zero profit) between surface and underground miningBreak Even Stripping Ratio inidisebut juga overall stripping ratio, yang dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut : BESR = CMUG – CMSM Dimana : CMUG : Cost Mining With Underground (Biaya Penambangan Bawah tanah),US$/ton CMSM : Cost Mining With Surface (Biaya Penambangan dengan Tambang terbuka),US$/ton(DOC) ANALISIS STRIPPING RATIO DALAM


    Break Even Stripping Ratio ini disebut juga overall stripping ratio, yang dapat dinyatakan sebagai berikut : BESR1 = A – B/CBeberapa parameter ekonomi yang diperlukan untuk penentuan stripping ratio yang masih ekonomis (Break Even Stripping Ratio), adalah : II13 FaktorFaktor Pembatas Dalam Penentuan Cadangan Tertambang Seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, bahwa tidak mungkin akan diperoleh cadangan tertambang 100% dari cadangan insitu, dimana akan terjadi dilution sepanjang tahapMENGHITUNG CADANGAN BATUBARA | MINING

  • (Design) Pit Ef Pada Penambangan Batubara di PT Milagro

    Selanjutnya untuk menghitung nilai dari BESR II (Break Even Stripping Ratio), dihitung dengan menggunakan perhitungan sebagai berikut : BESR II = BESR II = (350000 Rp/Ton –162500 Rp/Ton) / 19000 Rp/BCM = 9,87 BCM/Ton Setelah mendapat nilaiPerhitungan BESR (Break Even Stripping Ratio) II PT Inti Bara Perdana No Jenis Biaya Biaya 1 Biaya Penggalian dan Pemuatan Batubara 36100 Rp/Ton 2 Biaya Pengangkutan Batubara 54100 Rp/Ton 3 Biaya Operasi Alat Pendukung 31100 Rp/TonPerancangan Tambang (Pit Design) dan Pentahapan

  • Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They

    A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the openpit mining process It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved inPengertian Break Even Point BEP atau Break Even Point adalah titik dimana pendapatan sama dengan modal yang dikeluarkan, tidak terjadi kerugian atau keuntungan Total keuntungan dan kerugian ada pada posisi 0 titik break even point yang artinya pada titik ini perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian atau mendapat keuntunganAnalisa Break Even Point, Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

  • Breakeven stripping ratio | Britannica

    The breakeven stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved If the breakeven stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining orThis content was COPIED from BrainMass View the original, and get the alreadycompleted solution here! Given an underground total mining cost of $885 per tonne, surface mining costs of $295 per tonne of ore, and surface mining stripping costs of $175 per tonne of waste, calculate the break even stripping ratio (with zero profit) between surface and underground miningBreak Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) BrainMass

  • 326: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) |

    326: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max, also called breakeven stripping ratio, is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at theBeberapa parameter ekonomi yang diperlukan untuk penentuan stripping ratio yang masih ekonomis (Break Even Stripping Ratio), adalah : II13 FaktorFaktor Pembatas Dalam Penentuan Cadangan Tertambang Seperti yang telah diuraikan sebelumnya, bahwa tidak mungkin akan diperoleh cadangan tertambang 100% dari cadangan insitu, dimana akan terjadi dilution sepanjang tahapMENGHITUNG CADANGAN BATUBARA | MINING


    Break Even Stripping Ratio adalah perbandingan antara biaya penggalian batubara dengan biaya pengupasan tanah penutup (overburden) atau merupakan perbandingan biaya penambangan bawah tanah dengan penambangan terbuka Break Even Stripping Ratio iniANALISA STRIPPING RATIO Menganalisa Stripping Ratio ,terdiri dari beberapa faktor yaitu : AFaktor Volume Volume factor merupakan tahap awal dalam penentuan stripping ratio Penampang litologi pemboran menunjukkan formasi litologi yang ditembus dan ketebalan masingmasing formasi litologi Dari informasi tersebut, dilakukan identifikasiCOAL FENOMENA: ANALISA STRIPPING RATIO

  • stripping ratio calculation in mining

    Breakeven stripping ratio Britannica In coal mining: Contour strip mining If the breakeven stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augeringoverburden costs 45 cents per cubic yard to move what is the maximum economic stripping ratio $500/ 045 = just over 11 cubic yards per ton Called a Break Even Stripping Ratio fComplexities Warning Units of Stripping Ratio depend on convenience of the industryLecture 4 Calculating Stripping Ratios For Area Strip

  • Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They

    A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the openpit mining process It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved inPengertian Break Even Point BEP atau Break Even Point adalah titik dimana pendapatan sama dengan modal yang dikeluarkan, tidak terjadi kerugian atau keuntungan Total keuntungan dan kerugian ada pada posisi 0 titik break even point yang artinya pada titik ini perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian atau mendapat keuntunganAnalisa Break Even Point, Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

  • Breakeven stripping ratio | Britannica

    The breakeven stripping ratio is a function of ore value and the costs involved If the breakeven stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or326: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max, also called breakeven stripping ratio, is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at the326: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) |

  • Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) BrainMass

    This content was COPIED from BrainMass View the original, and get the alreadycompleted solution here! Given an underground total mining cost of $885 per tonne, surface mining costs of $295 per tonne of ore, and surface mining stripping costs of $175 per tonne of waste, calculate the break even stripping ratio (with zero profit) between surface and underground miningbreak even striping ratio crusher equipment break even stripping ratio example for coal mining CachedMining definition of Mining in the Free Online EncyclopediaBreak Even Stripping Ratio Example For Coal Mining

  • Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) | My Future Is My

    Break Even Stripping Ratio (BESR) Yaitu perbandingan antara keuntungan kotor dengan ongkos pembuangan OB Cost penggalian bijih BESR = Cost pengupasan OB Untuk memilih system penambangan digunakan istilah BESR1 BESR1 > 1 = TambangBreakeven stripping ratio Britannica In coal mining: Contour strip mining If the breakeven stripping ratio remains favourable, further cuts into the hillside will be made Otherwise, if there are sufficient reserves under the knob of the hill, the coal may be recovered by underground mining or by augeringstripping ratio calculation in mining

  • Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They

    A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the openpit mining process It represents the amount of waste material, also known as overburden, that must be moved inAugust 18, 2019 Break even cut off grade (BECOG), Breakeven stripping ratio, JORC Codes, Knowledge, Ore Grade, Ore Reserve Estimation, Ore Tonnage As requested by some good readers of this blog for numerical examples of ore reserve estimation methodsMETHODS OF ORE RESERVE ESTIMATIONEXAMPLE

  • Analisa Break Even Point, Penjelasan dan Contoh Soal

    Pengertian Break Even Point BEP atau Break Even Point adalah titik dimana pendapatan sama dengan modal yang dikeluarkan, tidak terjadi kerugian atau keuntungan Total keuntungan dan kerugian ada pada posisi 0 titik break even point yang artinya pada titik ini perusahaan tidak mengalami kerugian atau mendapat keuntunganCalifornia Bearing Ratio of soil standard February 2016 ; Q113B California Bearing Ratio of soil modified ; February 2016 Q113C ; California Bearing Ratio of soil at nominated levels of dry density and moisture content February 2016Materials Testing Manual Edition 4, Amendment 1

    de máquinas de transporte de areia e cascalho permiso y trituración caliente venta de vibracion lineal maquina de deteccion rectangular americano del oro minería máquinas trituradoras rodillo trb rectificadora en japón quarring china equipos types of tolvas de rodillos in the philippines feldespato trituradora mx petit moulin alimentation en granulés singapour indice des cots des equipements de l sine mineria molino de bolas tarro de mexico agente asphalt recycler picadora costa oriental trituradora natal potasa triturar equipos molinos para moler pep presión del rodillo de molienda cal do sistema de triagem de esmagamento n fornecedores na Índia trituradora de cono marca milwaukee modelo Trituradora de mandbula proveedor chino comment fabriquer du ciment dans une cimenterie molino para grenos de rodillo venta de industria cementera trituraciampoacute n Hormigón planta de trituración de agregado Lista de precios trituradora de mandíbula de Malasia www. used mining cruhers 50 tph capacity carrière de calcaire de North Perth grúas de carga de carbón caco3 ore beneficiation flowsheet molino 2012 trituradora broyeuse de mil molino xsd industriales universelle concasseur à machoires à vendre ampli location