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    [prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: xmlsecuritydev Subject: Re: Is this a bug? (C++ Version) From: "Jack Zhang" <jhZzz hotmail ! com> Date: 2:58:48 MessageID: BAY1DAV146E21EC0EF4FE7762C0EDE8A70 phx ! gbl [Download RAW message or body] Hi Berin, I wrote a test program to demonstrate this problem, see attachmentsnd 3? @ 破嫩荜圬}餾[鈗鹒頦O閚fakFq`RFJe輂N[z^Wuqb^WqZ]lXldaox韃誾醶致逄务邙X颶n鵩m~xi餶^i鹐辄髜鴗JY卒rz辺齸V陉 r滕齤m\碹蜾灶媾k控獒xq肿鋟蓥hp驷熠]g騔\珥 蟣I[玺踬鬮頩鱿哽曦障閝柢潇祆姓屦客退{檩 匐醤鵯\^\^Jr陉TRMu躍颼NbIV[e~YThe Public's Library and Digital Archive

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